The Keats-Shelley Blog

19 October 2019

Keats-Shelley House joins the RSPB’s Let Nature Sing Take Over

On 17th October, the Keats-Shelley House joined the RPSB's Let Nature Sing Takeover. People across the world were asked to play birdsong on whatever device was handy to help raise awareness of the threat of extinction looming over birds across the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. 

That morning, the song of nightingales and skylarks were heard throughout the museum - from the Salone to the bedroom where John Keats died in February 1821. The sounds were enhanced by bird sculptures by T-Yong Chung, whose work was recently shown in the House's Stanze exhibition. 

You can hear and see a guided tour of Keats-Shelley House, soundtracked by glorious birdsong and directed by our Curator Giuseppe Albano.

Songbird is the theme of 2020's Keats-Shelley and Young Romantics Writing Prizes. For more details, click on each link.

Please visit the RSPB's website for more infomation about their Let Nature Sing Project.

James Kidd