KSMA Data Privacy Policy

The Keats–Shelley Memorial Association is a registered charity and a registered not for profit company ( ‘’KSMA‘’). It promotes the memory of the Romantic Poets, particularly Keats, Shelley, Byron and their associates. The Poets spent a significant time in Italy so KSMA‘s mission involves activity in the UK and in Italy.

We rely on volunteers who are active in carrying out its objectives and other people who take an interest in KSMA by contributing financial support and / or participate in its events. To maintain its objectives we need to store personal data on individuals involved with the Association so we can keep in touch with them. These individuals are called 'data subjects’.

This is so we can send out send out invitations to our poetry and essay prize events, collect subscriptions from Friends, share data between our in–house colleagues in the UK and Italy, and enable on-line sales of items such as books and journals.

We may also organise fundraising appeals and make enquiries about potential donors/sponsors, since as a charity we always have to look for new funding. We may need to keep statistics relating to our activities.

Our Policy for keeping personal data concerning data subjects is as follows :

  1. We will keep data if a data subject agrees to the data being kept.
  2. At any time a data subject can ask for a copy of the data we are keeping. There is no charge for this, but if a request for information is excessive we may refuse to supply it to the extent that it is excessive; in that event there is a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
  3. At any time a data subject can ask us to alter / amend the details maintained by us.
  4. A data subject has a right not to be subjected to automated processing but to have intelligent human input into decisions about the keeping the data.
  5. The stored information is for KSMA‘s use only and will not be passed onto other organisations without the specific consent of the data subject to the use for which the data it to be put.
  6. KSMA has strong links between the U.K. and Italy because of the history of the Poets, therefore there is regular exchange of information between the different arms of KSMA in the U.K. and in Italy. Data subjects will be asked for their consent to their personal details being transmitted from the U.K. to Italy and vice-versa between colleagues within KSMA.
  7. We can keep personal data only for a limited time; we will review every 12 months whether we should continue to keep it ( either in its existing format or in an altered format ) and whether in all or part of the existing format, including obtaining the consent of the individual concerned to specific information being stored.
  8. At any time a data subject can ask us to delete all or part of the data being stored by us.
  9. We have three named people who are responsible for keeping the data – they are known as Data Controllers. Information about data storage can be obtained from them:

    Sir Ivor Roberts KCMG, FCIL: c/o 11 Staple Inn, London, WC1V 7QH, keeps data of individuals interested in attending the Keats-Shelley Awards and other events.

    James Kidd, KSMA Friends Secretary, friends@keats-shelley.org‎: keeps data of Friends of the Association

    Catrin John, Keats-Shelley Prize Administrator, prizes@keats-shelley.org, keeps data of past entrants to Keats-Shelley Prize and teachers who promote the Prize to their students.