The Keats-Shelley Memorial Association is an independent British charity which receives no official funding. In our work to support the Keats-Shelley House in Rome, we rely on admissions, membership income, charitable grants, donations and legacies to maintain and conserve the building and its precious contents, and to develop the collection and our outreach programmes.
Legacies, over the years, been crucial to our growth. One, from Mr Harold B. Martin of Philadelphia, gave us the basis of our endowment fund, and another from Miss P.D. Burley, made possible the Sheila Birkenhead Bursary Award. There have been many other generous benefactors who have chosen this way to help us to ensure the future of the House and its supporting charity.
Will you follow their example?
As your solicitor or will-maker will advise you, there are various ways of making a bequest.
- The principal one is a Pecuniary legacy. This is a fixed sum of money. The limitation of this type of gift is that its value decreases with subsequent rises in inflation.
- Another way is a Residuary legacy. This can be a bequest of the remainder, or a proportion of the remainder, of your estate after other legacies, Inheritance Tax, debts and expenses have been paid.
You may then wish to consider the objectives of your gift.
- A bequest made in general terms can afford us the greatest flexibility, in order to apply funds in the areas of our work that need special attention at a particular time.
- Alternatively, you may be interested in supporting a particular aspect of the work of the Keats-Shelley House, such as acquisitions education, conservation or exhibitions; or our activities in the UK, such as the Keats-Shelley Prize for original writing inspired by Romantic themes.
To find out more, please email or click here to download a contact form.