News: 1 January 2020

Keats-Shelley200 Bicentenary Programme

Keats-Shelley200 was formally launched at the residence of the Italian Ambassador in London on 6th February 2020.

The bicentenaries of Keats’ and Shelley’s deaths in 2021 and 2022, and launch of Keats-Shelley200, with its rich programme of initiatives, exhibitions, and events in the UK and Italy, provide an apt time for celebrating the poets’ extraordinary legacies, as well as looking to the future.

The Keats-Shelley200 campaign focuses on the final years of the lives of both poets, and includes celebrations of the bicentenaries of major works and events, such as Keats’ arrival in Italy and the publication of Shelley’s Adonais, as well as the poets’ untimely deaths within eighteen months of one another in Italy. It will be a period of intense activity both for the Keats-Shelley House in Rome and the UK charity that supports it, with key projects including:

  • The publication of Odes for John Keats, an anthology of new work commissioned from major voices in English and Italian poery today which responds to Keats’s Great Odes A series of theatrical and poetry events both in the UK and Italy throughout 2020, 2021 and 2022
  • A festival of contemporary poetry in English and Italian in Lerici, the final home of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • A series of outreach and educational activities with partners in the UK to profile and celebrate the work of Keats and Shelley
  • A gala dinner and play at the glorious Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj in Rome and operatic concert in Naples
  • Temporary exhibitions at the Keats-Shelley House including Adonais: The Intertwining Legacies of Keats and Shelley

And many more activities, including an increased presence at literary festivals, a series of Winchester ‘To Autumn’ Walks, Keats-Shelley Prize Podcasts, radio plays, and schools activities in the UK to supplement the work at the House in Rome.

If you would like to DONATE NOW to the Keats-Shelley200 Appeal you will help us realise our ambitious vision for the next few years and enable us to invest in the next generation of scholars and lovers of romantic poetry with our bicentenary scholarships, exhibition, events and outreach programmes.

For further details and to get involved please contact: info@keats-shelley-house.orgFor further details and to get involved please contact:

Updates will be posted here and on the Keats-Shelley House website.

Or follow us on Twitter.

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